主题:Cityscape and Literature(城市景观与文学)
主讲:Peter Hajdu(彼得·海伊度) 匈牙利佩奇大学古典语文学系教授、《比较文学与世界文学评论》(Neohelicon)主编
The lecture discusses two main topics. First the problem of how ideological messages are encoded in a cityscape and how literature can articulate them. This will be shown through the example of two temples of ancient Athens and the literary and archeological witnesses that refused to see important objects on the Acropolis. Ideology is inscribed in the cityscape, but it also needs interpretation as some examples from the ancient Rome will suggest. After a short reference to the literary representations of cities and some literary genres that are said to be strongly connected with urban experience, the lecture turns to the second main topic, namely that of how literature may influence a cityscape. This will analyzed through the example of Budapest. Street names and public monuments frequently celebrate the memory of national literature (rarely world literature). The cityscape seems to be designed to celebrate national history, and first of all the success of the nation building project. This public and centrally suggested image seems to contradict the locals' ideas about themselves, which is rather highlighting issues of cool resistance. The reconstruction of Kossuth square in Budapest will be a main example for both.
彼得·海伊度(Peter Hajdu)教授是匈牙利比较文学和古典语文学著名学者,国际比较文学权威期刊Neohelicon的执行主编,国际比较文学学会(ICLA)执行委员会成员。2001年起担任匈牙利科学院文学研究所高级研究员。2011年起担任匈牙利佩奇大学古典语文学系讲座教授。精通拉丁文和英、德、法等多种欧洲语言,主要研究领域为当代文学理论、古典诗学。著有《知识和叙事》(2010)、《文学、历史、神秘感、陌生感》(2009)、《即使是希腊人:古老的传统研究》(2004)等。