2nd International Conference on New Media Translation Studies
Audiovisual Translation
June 25-26th, 2022
Online Platform
Zoom & Bilibili
Registration Fee
Abstract Submission Deadline
June 2nd
College of Foreign Languages, Huazhong Agricultural University
The development of technology has made new media an important and recurrent part of our daily life. Easy to access and consume, audiovisual productions have become the ideal carrier of culture and language, playing a pivotal role in cross-cultural communication around the globe. Today’s exposure to and interaction with new media, epitomized in the form of audiovisual content, is far greater than ever before, and has raised the visibility and status of audiovisual translation (AVT), both as a professional practice and as an academic discipline. Riding the wave of these new and exciting changes, this international event brings together some of the most distinguished scholars of the world and seasoned practitioners in the field of audiovisual translation.
Possible topics and panels may include but are not limited to:
² The historical development and future prospects of audiovisual translation
² Subtitling research and practice
² Dubbing research and practice
² Accessibility’s current status and future developments
² Audiovisual translation teaching and talent training
² Audiovisual translation and cultural communication
² New technological advancements in audiovisual translation
² Media translation and the translation of media
² Localization of video games
Keynote Speakers:
Miguel Angel Bernal-Merino, University of Roehampton (UK)
Jorge Díaz-Cintas, University College London (UK)
Iris Guske, Kempten University (Germany)
Jun Hong, Wuhan University of Communication (China)
Zhifeng Hu, Beijing Film Academy (China)
Haina Jin, Communication University of China (China)
Zhengqi Ma, Communication University of China (China)
Joselia Neves, Hamad bin Khalifa University (Qatar)
Emília Perez, Constantine the Philosopher University (Slovakia)
Rocio Banos Pinero, University College London (UK)
Jun Qin, Hubei Minzu University (China)
Irene Ranzato, Roman University (Italy)
Alessandra Rizzo, University of Palermo (Italy)
Weiqing Xiao, Shanghai International Studies University (China)
Patrick Zabalbeascoa, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Spain)
Juan Zhang, Huazhong Agricultural University (China)